This Page contains Books 12-20

“This set of books has been received in an order that is compatible with your unconscious beliefs…. The information has been channeled in a subtle direction in order to wake you up.”

Loving Light Book 12, God Lives

By God, through Liane Rich

From the Book….

“For as long as you can remember you have been light. You have always been creator and you have always been love. So, what is it that prevents you from knowing and experiencing what you have always been? What is it that manifests in you to keep you from awareness? Could it be that you are creating a force field that tells you a lie? Could it be that you are blocking the truth with this force field? Could it be that you actually create everything, even those things that you cannot see? And could it be that you are just now beginning to wake up and have an idea of who you might actually be?

As you begin to answer these questions you will begin to see how you (this you who thinks and uses logic) are at the brink of self-discovery. You are at the beginning of awareness and you have a great deal to learn. As you grow in wisdom, you will see how you are not only a force field who is blocking yourself, you are also light who is permeating this force field that you have built to keep you unconscious. You are waking up the part of you that you put to sleep. You created a field of denseness in order to control you and keep you down, as it would have been impossible for you to descend in your natural state which is floating.

So; you created this force field and now you must go to the next level of consciousness in order to raise the field of energy that you have gone into. You see, you are raising ‘all’ at one time in order to bring ‘all’ back to awareness and intelligence. You are raising this field of dense energy in order to make all parts fill the void and know that God is whole. You are in this process now and, as you raise these parts within you, you may feel the pull and the stretch. It is God ascending and taking the field with him as he goes. It is this entire dimension rising up to transform into the next dimension, and then we will be on to the next and so on and so forth.”

Loving Light Book 13, The Realization of Creation

By God, through Liane Rich

From the Book….

“So; who writes these books? It is God. It is Liane. It is the light that lives and is giving birth within her. It is that part of her that is alive with love and is alive with energy. She can tap into a mind that is the mind of God and no, it is not out there in the sky somewhere. I come from deep within the recesses of your own self. How can you not love the self when you each contain such glory within you? You are the glory. You are the wonder. You are the majesty that you so admire when you worship gods. You are ‘all that is’ and yet you feel beneath God. You are not beneath God. You literally carry God around inside of you day after day. It is as though you are with child and you do not know that you are.

You are the glory and the wonder and yet you cannot get in touch with that part of you. You cannot hear the heartbeat of that unborn part of you. Oh, but you will. And it will come to you like thunder in your ears and it will wake you out a sound sleep as I have often waken Liane, and it will be the heartbeat of God and it will be the joyous rising up of humanity, and you shall be so grateful that you are who you are. You will rise up in awe and you will know that you are blessed and loved by God. You will no longer feel suppressed and put down. You will take your rightful place as the sons and daughters of creation and you will know that you are the light from which you sprang. You are the exact same light from which this information flows. You are the glory and the wonder of this entire creation, as you are the creator and you are the created.”

Loving Light Book 14, Illumination

By God, through Liane Rich

From the Book….

“Do you remember what it feels like to have an entire day with nothing but joy and bliss – no questions, no problems, no stress, no sadness, no disruptions, no interruptions, nothing but joy and bliss for an entire day – no questioning or searching for answers because you already know all that is necessary, no searching for peace as you already have peace and no hopes for tomorrow as today is so joyful that tomorrow will automatically be the same? This is where you ultimately belong. This is how you ultimately believe and exist.

The only problem now is how to get you back to your true existence. That is why I write these books for you. You are returning to you after a long journey to the opposite side of creation and you will learn to transform into your old nature simply by not struggling. It is as though you are in thick, thick mud and the more you struggle, the deeper into the mud you sink. This is why I ask you to stay calm. I am not trying to pacify you for my own sake; I am trying to get you to stop kicking and flailing so you do not sink deeper and drown in the mud.

You must come to a point of realization that will allow you to stay calm and stop getting excited. This will allow you to float free of the suction that is being created by all your struggling. When you begin to let go of your fear of going under you will calm down enough to be released from this pull. You are not drowning in mud. You only believe that you are because you came into an evolutionary world that shows you what you believe and not what is true. This is the key to this world. It is ruled by thought and belief. If you want out, change how you think and what you believe.”

Loving Light Book 15, I Touched God

By God, through Liane Rich

From the Book….

“As you learn to create life with love and respect, you will be projecting out love and respect. As you project out love and respect, you will draw more love and respect to you. Are you upset that you do not receive love and respect? It is not necessary to get upset about it. Simply begin to treat yourself in the manner you wish to be treated. If you wish to have kindness in your life then I suggest that you begin to treat you with kindness. If you wish to have love in your life then I suggest you begin to treat you lovingly. You will find that ‘what you are’ is what you project, and what you project is what you get right back. This is not punishment; it is simply a way to show you what you are projecting.

When you begin to clear out your subconscious programming, you will find that you will be creating more of you to fill the void where the programming was stored. You may fill this void with self-love and this will begin to gain and take over momentum and soon self-love will be bigger than self-hate and self-loathing. When self-love grows to the extent that you are bigger in love than you are in hate, you will see a big change in how others react to you. Now you are projecting love of self and it is being reflected back to you.

You have never been taught to love you. You were born into this world and told from early on that you must learn to love and care for your brothers and sisters. Some were told to love and care for their parents and cousins and aunts and uncles and grandparents, and the pet dog and pony and squirrels in the yard. No one ever took you aside and said ‘the most important thing you will ever do is to love and care for yourself.’ You just were not taught to love you. It is not accepted and I wish to change how you believe. I want you to accept you (all aspects of you) and to love you. Love you as you would love a most valued family member, or, for some of you, the way you would love a most valued pet or possession.”

Loving Light Book 16, I and God are One

By God, through Liane Rich

From the Book….

“As you learn to ‘let go and trust’ you will know what it is to trust in God and yourself. You will know what it is to place yourself into God’s care and to feel safe. No matter what happens you will feel safe. You will have come through your blocks that say, ‘I must protect myself at all costs.’ You won’t feel the need for protection. You will be like a fearless child who knows that life and death are the same cycle of energy. You will no longer ‘fear’ losing your life and you will no longer create unnecessary pain for yourself. As a child of God you feel ‘fearless’ instead of ‘fearful.’ You know that you cannot get hurt unless you crave pain and you know that you are craving love, so everything turns to love. It is in a craving of love and the satiation of pain that you return to the angelic realms of trust and complete faith that God is you.

You will find this process most enjoyable when you reach it. You will also find that you no longer crave the thrill of the ride as you once did. You will lean more towards the joy of being and less towards the thrill of doing. This is all part of a process that takes time. I know that most of you hate to wait for anything but you will find that for every step there is a purpose and each inch takes you closer to you. You and God are one and you and God make a ‘whole’.”

Loving Light Book 17, We All Walk Together

By God, through Liane Rich

From the Book….

“When tension rises, humans begin to get excited and act-out in various ways. You may recognize this behavior in many people once you get out of your emotional attachment to ‘how things should be.’ Your version of ‘how things should be’ was taught to you. You are programmed. Your version of ‘how things should be’ may be way out of line with ‘how things should be’ for your neighbor. You are fighting over things that do not make sense except to the individual and to those who were programmed like that particular individual.

You are all programmed and acting accordingly. When someone’s programming disagrees with yours you get upset and angry and you begin to push that person (with their upsetting programming) away. They then become your enemy or the bad one. You have now created your game strategy for good guy vs. bad guy. You have now set up the boundaries for good vs. evil. You have begun your victim/perpetrator game. This game will come to an end when you begin to accept and allow that another’s programming is simply a taught way of behavior and you let go of judging that person or situation. You begin to simply see things for what they are which allows you to stop fearing them. You are then allowed to either stay with the person or move away from the person without harmful feelings of guilt, or anger, or harsh judgment.

As you learn to recognize acting-out for what it is you will not be so attached to getting even with others. You will begin to let go of your desire to punish others and you will free yourself from being the judge in every situation. It takes a lot of energy to constantly judge everything and that energy is valuable to you. It will keep you light and youthful and vibrant. Do not use up your energy on wasted thoughts. Use positive enlightening thoughts to create your world.”

Loving Light Book 18, Love Conquers All

By God, through Liane Rich

From the Book….

“As you begin to come into this dawning of the New Age, I hope you remember that you are just coming into you. You are just being born of spirit. I don’t care if you are twelve or one hundred and twelve, you are ‘becoming’ and you are growing and changing.

As you continue to move and change and grow, you will be fulfilling your own prophecy. You will be coming into creation. You are God consciousness entering God manifestation. You are God inseminating itself into creation. You are God being born in you and you are God growing in you.

Your life will become a life of ease and your spirit will be fulfilled. You will rise up in consciousness by the mere fact that you are taking on consciousness. You are taking on the mind of God and all that is God. You are receiving spirit, and this requires expansion of intelligence and wisdom.

This is a time of growth for you. When you grow you change. Do not be afraid to change. Do not be afraid to let your guard down. Do not be afraid to face your fears.”

Loving Light Book 19, Come to the Light of Love

By God, through Liane Rich

From the Book….

“You will always be guided and you will always be cared for as you move into this age of becoming God or light. It is very difficult for you to rise above the darkness. The low vibration feels more comfortable to you than this higher, faster vibration. You must, however, begin to develop within this faster vibration. This is what turns density to light, and the light is what you are. You are free once you are vibrating at a good speed and you will be allowed to go it on your own. Until you can maintain your own high vibration you will be supplemented with additional help. You will be lifted up if necessary, until you can keep yourself ‘up.’

You are all rising up in this fashion and it is simply a matter of time for each individual. It is also a matter of transformation from matter to spirit. You are stuck pretty deep in matter and pulling you up takes quite a bit of energy. The up-pull is as strong, or stronger, than the down-pull. This is what allows you to shake free of your roots and begin to rise to a new level within yourself. Once you have developed your own ability to pull upward you will no longer require assistance. You will be in charge of your own ascension process and it will no longer feel like forced change. You will be pulling you in a new direction and this new direction will be ‘up’.”

Loving Light Book 20, The Grace is Ours

By God, through Liane Rich

From the Book….

“I have written these books so that you might know and be less confused. The biggest obstacle for you on earth is the dense field of matter. Matter allows for very little light at this time. Matter is changing and evolving and as it does so your scientists will be quite astonished to find new agents in their world of physics. This is just part of God coming into all of creation. It is not that God consciousness is not already in every particle, it is more that God is fully forming or being born out of what God created.

Think of a world without procreation. No one is born to anyone. Then, at a specific point in evolution, one child is mysteriously born; then another child is born and soon another until everyone is bearing fruit. You are in the process of changing the molecular structure of your body so that you might bear fruit. The fruit that you bear is God. You do not know how this is possible because no one has borne fruit before. You are in a situation of trust, whereby you must begin to act as if you know what is going on in order to ‘assist’ what is occurring. You are part of the process and you are the process. You assist and you allow the creation of an entire new way of living. This new way of living is a way of creating heaven on earth.

You are baking the first cake, and believe me when I tell you that it will taste like nothing you have ever experienced since you left the God force. It will be miraculous to see you sitting there in heaven, when for so many lifetimes you have been confined to hell. To be in total surrender and to know God will give you such pleasure. You will literally become angels once again. Your joy will be so great that you will not ever fear anything again. You will come and go from earth without pain, and you will know that you are God.”
